Friday, April 22, 2016


In St Edmunds Hall,Godalming,we see Father Joseph BYSTRY celebrating 25 years as a Parish Priest.(1943 to 8th May 1968).The following pictures detail that special day in May 1968  with many young and old parishioners present.The pictures that follow have been supplied by Anna PLACHECKA ,a close relation to Father BYSTRY and who visited him in 1972.Anna continues to live in Poznan, Poland.Father BYSTRY born 14th January 1915 died 26th August 1976 aged 61 years. 

1 comment:

Adek said...

Mężczyzna w muszce, palący czasem papierosa, widoczny na niektórych zdjęciach, np.: na zdjęciu 8 nalewa wino, na zdjęciach 11,12,13 siedzi pierwszy od lewej przy stoliku na wprost ks. Bystrego, na ostatnich 2 zdjęciach stoi obok ks. Bystrego, to major Aleksander Tomaszewski (tutaj jego życiorys, oparty na moim artykule z Wikipedii: )