Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Maz KLAPTOCZ next to my cousin Staszek STRUS with Karol CANNONINSKI, Kaz RYZNER  and Frank KLAPTOCZ.Hotel Europejski in Krakow on the evening of 24th September 2013.


Karol CANNONINSKI at the front with the KLAPTOCZ brothers Maz and Frank. At the rear Piotr PIETRUSIEWICZ with Kaz RYZNER evening of the 24th September 2013 Europejski Hotel Krakow.

Tuesday, October 01, 2013


Karol CANNONINSKI with Piotr PIETRUSIEWICZ , Maz KLAPTOCZ and Jan BRIDGEZINSKI at the Europejski Hotel, Krakow on 18th September 2013.