Saturday, August 25, 2007

TWEEDSMUIR CAMP.1952. Margaret ADAMEK in her National costume.

TWEEDSMUIR CAMP. 1950. Pan ADAMEK as Father Christmas with his daughter Margaret.

TWEEDSMUIR CAMP.1950. Pan ADAMEK shows off his prize animals.

TWEEDSMUIR CAMP. 1950. Waldek ADAMEK with his fathers prized cow.

TWEEDSMUIR CAMP. 1951. Pan ADAMEK hay making.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

TWEEDSMUIR CAMP.The KLAPTOCZ family.Mum holding the young Franek.

TWEEDSMUIR CAMP. The KLAPTOCZ family with young Franek being pushed by his Dad out for a walk. Pani KUBLIC is the lady on the right.

TWEEDSMUIR CAMP. Pan KLAPTOCZ with his young son Franek checking out their smallholding approx 1952.